Prohibited Items on Sultan Qaboos Souk
We at SQS want to keep the buying and selling experience smooth and safe for all.
That is why we have banned some items, words, and jobs to be available on SQS.
All the items that are not allowed to be bought or sold by the law are not allowed on our SQS as well.
All the Items that could lead to direct or indirect harm are not allowed on SQS.
All the Items without legit ownership papers (if required) are not allowed on SQS.
All the Jobs or services that promote or includes illegal job description or indecency are not allowed on SQS.
All the words that are inappropriate or indecent are not allowed on SQS.
Here are a few examples below:
Self-defence devices
Original ancient statues
Cars, motorcycles or motor vehicles without a paper of ownership
Private secretary
Pay pal account
Girls for massage
Egyptian coins more than one hundred years
All kinds of Sirens
Hawks, wild cats, snakes, and eagles
Military files
All kinds of wines
Supplements / vitamin capsules
Models wanted for advertisement or photo session
Fawry machine / Masary machine / Aman machine / VX machine / mobiwire machine and all accessories
Wireless communication equipment with a range of more than 4 kilometres
Enlarging or shrinking body parts devices
Sponsor as service
Equipment for underground metal detectors
Any ads that contain words of racial, sexual
All kinds of weapons
Endangered animals and forbidden hunting or skins such as the owl, falcon, marine turtle, crocodile, tiger, squirrel, Hedgehog
Current currencies
House jobs without details like ( maids or housekeeping )
Mercury and alcohol
wax, Moroccan bath, or sweet at home
Magic Books
Wireless communication equipment with a range of more than 4 kilometres
Marriage Services office
Parts of the body or Organs of the body
Parts of the body or Organs of the body
Companies provide workers for sale or getting them from outside the country in front of money
Nano Card to provide Electricity
Jobs for those under the age of 15 are not accepted even if they are looking for work
Land laying hands
Microscope and telescope more than 1 kilo
Used underwear’s
Buying or selling customer data
Nunchaku (Fremensh)
Taxi Counter
Receivers that open any encrypted channels
Requested clothes for donation